Friday, June 15, 2012

Moon Kim Seminar (with IP Attorney Ron D'Alessandro)

I hosted my first independent seminar last month on May 21st:

The seminar featured Dr. Moon Kim of Harbor Pacific Capital and Ron D'Alessandro, a New York based patent attorney.

It was designed to help Korean startups learn more about the nitty gritty details of an overseas investment and give the later stage tech-centric companies some advice about the importance of holding a high quality patent portfolio.

All in all, the seminar was a huge success: we had about 30 people in attendance, representing over a dozen companies.

I would like to give a special thanks to Hyung-ah Kim and Jong-woo Kim of the Seoul Business Agency for letting my hold this seminar at the DMC Center.

Patent Attorney Ron D'Alessandro
infront of the seminar banner

Fromt left to right: Ryan Huddleston, Ron D'Alessandro,
Hyung Ah Kim, Dr. Moon Kim 
Dr. Moon Kim's presentation
Some of the seminar attendees

The beginning of Ron's patent portfolio presentation
Closeup of Ron D'Alessandro
Meeting with Andy Soh, CEO of Luxen Technologies,
at Mr. Soh's office after the seminar