Thursday, December 1, 2011

Harbor Pacific-Dr. Moon Kim Meeting

Yesterday, November 30th, I met Dr. Moon Kim of Harbor Pacific at the Grand Intercontinental Hotel in Samsung-dong, Seoul. Dr. Kim is a venture capitalist/CEO/consultant based out of Palo Alto, California.

During the meeting (which included Magellan CEO 인철유), we discussed Dr. Kim's trip to Korea. Dr. Kim is giving lectures and seminars at government functions and universities; the main topic of his seminar is 'How Korean Companies can Receive U.S. Investment'. In Korean:
Silicon Valley Venture Capital등은 창업을도와 성공적으로 길러내어 세계적인 기업으로 성장 시키는 산업 증진에 중요한 역할을한다.. Silicon Valley 의 창업- VC투자 유치로 이어지는 일련의 과정을 통해 한국의 벤처 또는 중소기업이 가 미국의 VC투자 대상으로 선정 되기 위해 갗추어야 할 여러 조건과 미팅 방법, 프레젠테이션 기법, 사업기획서 작성, VC 선정 등의 다양한 정보와 노하우를 IBM에서 28년간 emerging technology 기업 기술개발 담당이었으며 현제 Silicon Valley HPC의 Venture Partner이며 아주대 산업대학원 초빙교수, 발명왕 Moon Kim 박사를 통하여 VC 쎄미나를 합니다.
We presented Dr. Kim with a list of companies who are interested in receiving U.S. investment. Also, we confirmed Dr. Kim's plans to give a lecture at our Nulitkum Square office in Digital Media City.
Dr. Kim will do a seminar at our office on December 7th, at 1 PM. After the hour and a half seminar is finished, he will meet and listen to presentations from some companies 1-on-1. Because not every company will get a chance to present to him after the seminar, he mentioned some companies can come to his hotel on December 8th and 9th to present to him at a conference room there.

Company List given to Dr. Moon Kim

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